Earn assured returns on your savings and meet your short-term and long-term goals with fixed deposits from Saraswat Bank. With attractive interest rates and flexible investment tenures, our fixed deposits are one of the safe investment options available. Opt for a fixed deposit account with us and let your savings grow over a period ranging from seven days to a decade!
You can open a fixed deposit account with us through a number of channels like internet banking or mobile banking. If you prefer accessing our banking services in-person, simply visit the nearest Saraswat Bank branch to open your fixed deposit account.

Saraswat Bank offers the following types of term deposits  to suit your needs and preferences.
  1. Fixed Deposit (FD), with option of payment of simple interest on monthly, quarterly or on due date option.
  2. Kalpataru Deposit (KD), wherein interest on the deposit is reinvested on a quarterly cumulative basis and repaid on due date along with the principal amount.
  3. Recurring Deposit (RD), wherein a fixed amount is invested on a monthly basis for a fixed period for a fixed maturity value.

Choose an option that suits your needs, sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Download Term Deposit form for existing customer.